Tomorrow is the day for all blog-lurking MOFOs to come out of the shadows! Let yourselves be known -- say hello, leave a comment, tell me a little somethin' somethin' about yourselves. Be generous! Break your anonymous habits for the day and leave a comment on all of the blogs you read (stalk) tomorrow. Share the love, Lurkers, stand up and be counted! ;-D
The Great Mofo Delurk 2007 was created by the fine ladies,
Sweetney and
You can read more about the inspiration behind The Great Mofo Delurk 2007 on Schmutzie's blog at:
http://www.schmutzie.com/2007/09/814-great-mofo-delurk-2007.html. She also created the lovely button(s) for TGMD -- you can grab the code for embedding them on your own blog at the same link.
For those of you who have a colored background to your blog (like me!) and don't want to use the white-backgrounded .JPG version of the button that Schmutzie provides -- I have re-purposed Schmutzie's buttons as transparent .PNG files that you can download in a zip file here. They will show up like mine above -- no white background! You will need to host the image on your own site and the code that Schmutzie originally provided will need to be changed like so:<a href="http://www.schmutzie.com/2007/09/814-great-mofo-delurk-2007.html" title="The Great Mofo Delurk 2007"><img src="http://www.YOURWEBADDRESS.com/COLOR.png" title="The Great Mofo Delurk 2007" border="0" /></a>REMEMBER: You need to set the "color" in front of .PNG to the name of the color you are using (black, green, red, pink, purple, grey, blue and orange). ENJOY!Labels: blogging, comments, delurking, friends, mofos, tgmd2007, twitter, visitors, web