Saturday, September 8, 2007 ---, your widget is really getting on my nerves... :-(

For a few months, I had the "Music Like..." widget in my sidebar. You all may have actually played some music from it in the past. (??) It was nifty.

Lately, I was noticing that when I clicked play (usually while I am writing a blog post, I will play it to listen to something while I write, etc.) the first song played completely, but then, the songs that followed would play about 4-5 seconds before skipping to another song snippet of 4-5 seconds...over and over...and over. It was like channel surfing against my will. Little "preview" snippets of songs, one after the other.

I don't know if this is a problem with -- perhaps it is a glitch? -- I don't remember this happening in the past. Maybe, there was a trial period on for the widget, and then, it was meant to stop working? Who knows? [Maybe one of my readers who uses knows something about this? Let me know if I missed something.]

Anyway, it was annoying me. I decided to scrap it and substitute in my own player -- because I already have plenty of musical content available from my WBFR radio project that I could use. Now, you will see in the sidebar my own radio player that will play music at random from my personal library. Currently, it is playing from the WBFR_dance and WBFR_winter_2007 mixes. I will keep adding more songs to the XML playlist that pulls the music from my WBFR project, but I also need to add some newer content. Eventually. The point is, my own radio station player will not annoy me and will be more reliable. Hopefully, some of you will enjoy the music. There is some really good stuff in there, if I do say so myself. ;-)

For more information on any of the artists or albums, send me an email (check the sidebar for the address) or leave me a comment. I am always happy to talk music.

[NOTE TO SELF: You'll have to sub-out the widget on The Daily Lizzard also...a future task...with uploaded music to suit the Jazz-theme we have going on over there...Fun! Yeah, very future task.]

UPDATE: Put together some fast and dirty content for The Daily Lizzard's radio player yesterday (! was really bugging me!) because I had some free time while I was waiting for somebody...And, I am excited to say that not only does she have some really great jazzy music to play over there, but a lot of it is from indie artists who deserve exposure -- so this is really nice all around. Plus, I used a beautiful color-coordinated player for her blog that I love. Take a listen if you have the it in the background while you surf the web...You'll feel like you are in the Lizzard's personal Jazz Lounge with martinis for everyone! But, I'd like an Amaretto Sour, please! [The more sour, the better...with an orange slice and cherry...K-thx, bai.]

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Thursday, July 19, 2007 --- I was always struck by the enormity of his head...

With the most recent upgrades to our area's cable service, we now have VH1 Classic -- which is really great incidentally -- because we get to see all kinds of old music documentaries and vintage videos. Periodically, I will see a Smiths' video and it will make me laugh...I have never gotten over the enormity of Morrissey's head and that extreme-high hair of his. He was like a caricature...or a bobblehead! Whenever I think of The Smiths, I see him in my mind's eye with his big head, high-styled hair, a loose plaid shirt, and drooping Levi's with substantial footwear, dancing around the stage in that lazy-crazy "I don't give a shit" way. Reminds me so much of my NYU days and all of the serious brooding types (gay and straight) that I knew.

[Photo credit: Steven Wright ]

But, it also makes me think of how my mom, her friend Robert and I were all so tickled by the lyrics of one of our favorite Smith's songs:

Bigmouth Strikes Again

Sweetness, sweetness I was only joking
When I said I'd like to smash every tooth
In your head

Oh ... sweetness, sweetness, I was only joking
When I said by rights you should be
Bludgeoned in your bed

And now I know how Joan of Arc felt
Now I know how Joan of Arc felt, oh
As the flames rose to her Roman nose
And her Walkman started to melt
Oh ...

Bigmouth, la ... Bigmouth, la ...
Bigmouth strikes again
I've got no right to take my place
In the Human race

Oh, Bigmouth, ha ha ... Bigmouth, la
Bigmouth strikes again
I've got no right to take my place
In the Human race

And now I know how Joan of Arc felt
Now I know how Joan of Arc felt, oh
As the flames rose to a Roman nose
And her hearing aid started to melt
Eek !

Oh, Bigmouth, la ... Bigmouth, la ...
Bigmouth strikes again
I've got no right to take my place
With the Human race
Oh ...

Bigmouth, oh ... Bigmouth, la ...
Bigmouth strikes again
I've got no right to take my place
In the Human race

And now I know how Joan of Arc felt
Now I know how Joan of Arc felt, oh
As the flames rose to a Roman nose
And her hearing aid started to melt
Oh !

Oh, Bigmouth, oh ... Bigmouth, la ...
Bigmouth strikes again
I've got no right to take my place
In the Human race
Oh ...

Bigmouth, oh ... Bigmouth, la ...
Bigmouth strikes again
I've got no right to take my place
In the Human race
Oh ...


Goodbye, and thank you! Goodbye!

[Morrissey photo: The uncropped version can be found here.]

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Friday, May 4, 2007 --- In music news...people you should know about!

So we have all heard of The Sneeze, haven't we? Ya know, the guy who is "Half zine. Half blog. Half not good with fractions..." Well, if you haven't, you should check out his blog. But, I have said all of this before. That's not why I am here today --- at least not directly.

The reason for today's entry? Steve has long extolled the virtues of his favorite band (and friends), Cloud Cult. And, I am ashamed to say that I never paid those particular posts of his much mind because they were usually regarding Cloud Cult performances in his native Los Angeles area. Being on the East Coast myself, I skimmed onto his more funny "haha" material. However, today, I listened to the YouTube video post on The Sneeze for Cloud Cult's song, Pretty Voice. Then, I clicked on another song...and another song...then, I went to the Cloud Cult website and launched the "Wimpy Player." All I can say is: Wow! I have been a fool.

If you are looking for some new musical goodness to add to your collection, you should check them out. They just might be the diamond you need in your daily rough. :)

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________ - THE BUTTERFLY BLOG - Copyright ©2007 Vanessa Lee Hamlen. All rights reserved.

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I am a graphic designer. I love animals and have quite a few pets. There is a frustrated DJ inside of me --- hence, my ongoing obsession with making music mixes.

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Musical Goodness

-- Music from Butterfly's personal library --

LORI'S LABOR: A collection of 6 unique playlists with varying intensity and mood for your listening pleasure! I created these original mixes for my friends to use during the labor and delivery of their first baby, Nicholas.

You can visit their blog here: ---> The Bridenstines!

Listen to my comical, purposefully nasal, total HAM-job submission to the 2007 Blogger Christmahanukwanzaakah Online Holiday Concert in the mini-player above!
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we are rantasaurus rex, hear us roar
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