What the f*** is the deal with
John from Cincinnati?? What the heck is this show about? I mean aside from the obvious surface storyline of being about a dysfunctional surfing family...I watched the second episode and I am still wondering if this John-guy is an angel? or Jesus? or what? And why does the dad float? And what is the gay lottery winner's deal??
It's a good thing that watching good surfing is its own reward, dude. Hopefully it will keep the audience willing to wait for some answers ;-)
Totally-Unrelated-Random-Thought-Moment: Someday, when I have a lot more discretionary income at my disposal, I really want a Sun Conure. Yes, I know we have cats. But I would keep it very safe from them. I promise, Santa. They are such sweet smart birds! I love to hang with them at the pet store and play -- especially with one named Cally. **sigh** [That is not my age-spotted hand in the picture -- photo courtesy of
www.aqualandpetsplus.com Parrot Pictures' page -- perhaps I'll take an actual picture of Cally next time we go to the pet store ;-D ]
Labels: confusion, HBO, pets, shows, surfing, TV, wishes